Saturday, November 23, 2013

Why Is It Really Important For Us To Love Ourselves?

Do you see any reason to be anything other than loving, understanding, or compassionate to yourself?

            I am not sure how or when it was decided that we should not be proud of ourselves. One of the more uncomfortable exercises that I do with groups, of all ages, is to create an opportunity for people to either say something aloud that they are good at, or just to sit and receive applause. We are not used to getting happy, positive attention for simply being. We also are not used to acknowledging, for no specific purpose, that we are good at doing things.

A good way to begin loving ourselves is to take the time to honor what we are good at doing. We can be good at something like sports, playing the guitar, oil painting, or fixing cars. We can also be good at engaging compassionately with others, mirroring back to others their beauty, volunteering for supportive programs, or having a positive outlook on life's events.

Now why is it important to begin the process of self love? After all, most of us have made it so far without loving ourselves. 

Why wouldn't we love ourselves? This is a very good question. First off, let's look to see if there are any benefits to not loving ourselves? How does it feel when we don't love ourselves? I know for me that it feels pretty bad. Think about it. Feel it. Reflect on what things you say to yourself on a daily basis. Are you criticizing yourself, shaming yourself, or disowning yourself? If you do something that you believe is a "mistake", what do you say to yourself? How do you treat yourself?

When you forget something, make a choice that does not lead to your hoped for outcome, or you don't "succeed" in regards to a direction in school or career, how does it feel in your body? What is the tone that you use to access the situation? What do you believe about yourself and your future? What about your value? How do you think your day, week, month, or life will unfold because of these occurrences?

Abigail and Brittany Hensel are co-joined twins. Thanks to them, I really came to understand the importance of loving myself. I learned about these amazing sisters and wondered what it would be like to have another person "attached" to me. I thought seriously about how I would need to treat a person if they were co-joined to me. If I had to do EVERYTHING with someone, how might I talk to that person? If someone was with me in every moment, every where I went, and I needed her cooperation in order to do anything successfully, what would I say to her? As I considered these remarkable sisters, I realized that in some way, I did have a person co-joined to was me. These young women had to make peace with each other and find a balance as best friends to each other. I realized that I had not made peace with myself. I also had not found balance with myself as my own best friend. Abigail and Brittany became my role models.

I don't think too many of us would deny that Abigail and Brittany would have better enjoyment in life if they got along, spoke nicely to each other, and acted in a supportive and compassionate way to one another. They share a life, including a body that they need to nourish physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually.
Abigail and Brittany will make their dreams come true because they work together in love, communication, positive support, and team work.

We will make our dreams come true because we work together with ourselves, as our own best friend, in love, communication, positive support, and team work.

It is really important to see our skills and our value. When we acknowledge and own our talents as well as the wonder of who we are, it feels good. We feel pride, gratitude, and love. Talking kindly to ourselves, treating ourselves as a best friend, and finding peace with all of who we are, allows us to succeed. The synergy of ourselves with ourselves can make all of our dreams come into fruition.

Why is it really important for us to love ourselves? Simple, life is more enjoyable, being happy feels better than feeling awful, AND the smoothest, most effortless way for us to succeed in all of our endeavors is when we radiate love.

Today is a first day to begin to love for get a little freedom. Say an Amen and Love yourself and all you do, beginning today.

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